Conciliation is a procedure in which a public organ stands between the parties in order to try to solve a civil dispute by their mutual consent. 调解是公务机关介入当事人之间,设法根据当事人的协议解决民事纠纷的一种程序。
It is a very common legal phenomenon that civil dispute interweaves with the administrative dispute, and how to deal with it coordinately is an important subject of procedure laws research. 仲裁管辖权和法院管辖权的冲突在我国民事争议解决过程中经常遇到,其原因在于我国仲裁管辖权的法律规定不够明确,当事人对仲裁管辖权的理解也比较模糊。
So, I selected the Dai civil dispute resolution mechanism as a research object, turning the perspective from the mainstream to the edge. 所以笔者结合自己的专业将傣族的民事纠纷解决机制作为研究对象,将视角从主流转向边缘。
The second part describes Dai civil dispute settlement mechanisms. 第二部分为傣族民事纠纷解决机制介绍。
Based on the widespread contact rules, criminal behavior, civil dispute and the illegal administrative activity have to influence the surrounding materials and left some traces as they happened. 由于事物普遍联系的规律的作用,犯罪行为、民事纠纷和违反行政法规的活动,在其实施和发展过程中,必然会对周围的事物产生一定的影响,留下某些痕迹。
Bounds: the bounds of this blame and civil dispute over obligation; behavior person is in subjective go up to whether have detinue the purpose of state-private property. 界限:本罪与民事债务纠纷的界限;行为人在主观上是否有非法占有公私财物的目的。
Always the purpose with detinue, although adopted beguiling method, also attribute civil dispute, do not answer with punish of crime of fraud. 凡是以非法占有的目的,即使采取了欺骗的方法,也属于民事纠纷,不应以诈骗罪论处。
The settlement of litigation is a high efficiency litigation system to solve the dispute between the parties in the civil dispute. 摘要诉讼和解是民事诉讼当事人合意解决纠纷的一种便利高效的诉讼制度。
At present, the civil dispute solution mechanism in our country is inefficient to make full use of its functions of dispute resolution. 摘要目前我国民事纠纷解决机制存在效率低下的弊病,难以充分发挥其解纷功能。
When adjudicating a civil dispute over a copyright-infringing conduct that has already been disposed of by a competent copyright administrative authorities, a people's court shall carry out an investigation into the facts of the reported case in all respects. 人民法院审理已经过著作权行政管理部门处理的侵犯著作权行为的民事纠纷案件,应当对案件事实进行全面审查。
Attribute civil dispute, can sue each other to local court. 属于民事纠纷,可以向当地的法院起诉对方。
Research on the Civil Dispute Resolution Mechanism 我国民事纠纷解决机制研究
As a measure of public force solving civil dispute, civil litigation embodies the interference that the state exerts on private law. 民事诉讼作为解决民事纠纷的公力手段,体现了国家对私法的干预。
Computer forensics is an essential approach to solving civil dispute or charging cyber crimes. 计算机取证技术成为解决争议和打击计算机犯罪的重要手段。
Administrative verdict is a special specific administrative act, and is the administrative organ's adjudication on civil dispute according to law. 行政机关的居间裁决是特殊的具体行政行为,是行政机关以行政主体的身份,依照法律对民事纠纷行使职权作出的行政裁决。
The civil dispute is the universal social phenomenon. 民事纠纷是普遍存在的社会现象。
The solving mechanism of civil dispute is usually the researching object of the code of civil law. 民事纠纷解决机制的研究,往往是民事诉讼法学研究的对象。
The Settlement of Related Problem on Administrative Dispute and Civil Dispute 浅议行政争议与民事争议关联问题之解决
Then, the existence of the effect of res judicata makes the civil dispute stablished. 因此,可以说既判力效力的存在使得民事纠纷被定格,当事人之间的争执事项被打上了终止符。
Single administrative litigation or incidental civil action has neither solved the administrative dispute, nor solved the civil dispute. 单独的行政诉讼或民事诉讼既没有解决行政争议,也没有解决民事争议,出现反复诉讼。
The third part, the analysis of necessity and rationality of the study on environmental civil dispute administrative ADR mechanism. 第三部分,环境民事纠纷行政性ADR机制的必要性与合理性分析。
The first part explains the environmental civil dispute and ADR for preparation. 第一部分,对环境民事纠纷与非诉讼纠纷解决方式进行充分阐述,为全篇论文作了铺垫。
When a civil dispute arises, the first problem both parties face is to choose a way settle it. 民事纠纷产生后,双方当事人都面临的第一个选择是挑选何种方式和途径来解决纠纷。
Intermediation System is one system of our civil dispute settlement process, which has a long history. Time is changing but the emphasis and pursuit of mediation never changed. 调解制度是我国民事纠纷解决过程中一项历史悠久的制度,时代在变,但我国对诉讼调解的强调和追求始终没有改变。
At last, on system construction, perfecting the execution system is relating to the legal effect and social effect of civil dispute resolution. 最后,在制度建设方面,完善执行制度关系到民事纠纷解决的法律效果和社会效果。
This paper firstly describes the civil dispute litigation& mediation mechanism and constitutional value pursuit. 本文首先阐述了民事纠纷诉调对接机制与宪政价值追求。
The creative of docking litigation and conciliation, which realize the relationship of interactive between the lawsuit dispute resolution mechanisms and mediation dispute resolution mechanisms also open a door into the development of the diversified civil dispute resolution mechanism. 诉调对接模式的创建,实现了诉讼纠纷解决机制与调解纠纷解决机制之间的互动对接,同时也打开了一扇通向多元民事纠纷解决机制发展与完善之门。
Firstly, this article states the problems brought by the overlapping of administrative dispute and civil dispute, and analyzes the causes. 本文首先提出因房屋登记中行政争议与民事争议交织而产生的问题,并分析了这些问题产生的原因。
This section explains the concept and features of environmental civil dispute and ADR. 此部分阐述了环境民事纠纷和非诉讼纠纷解决方式的概念、特征。
The labor dispute is one kind of social dispute shape which is independent from the civil dispute. 劳动争议是从民事争议中独立出来的一种争议形态,原来受私法的调节。